Khánh Hoàng

Hi, I’m Khánh Hoàng, a second-year student from Hanoi, Vietnam. I’m majoring in International Relations. I like to read the news and interact with online content every day. I often keep up to date with global affairs and music industry news. Creative freestyle videos on Youtube and Tiktok are also something I watch almost every day. It’s really cool to see how content creators can make daily life aesthetic and captivating. I find creating digital content to tell stories fascinating, and I’m excited to continue learning and experiencing this new field! I like to cover arts, culture, and student life!

Khánh Hoàng

Hi, I'm Khanh Hoang, a second-year student from Hanoi, Vietnam. I'm majoring in International Relations. I like to read the news and interact with online content every day. I find creating digital content to tell stories fascinating, and I'm excited to continue learning and experiencing this new field! I like to cover arts, culture, and student life!