The Wall of Flags in James Dunn Hall is unveiled once again

St. Thomas University’s community of international students is excited to receive the new updates to the International Wall of Flags in Sir James Dunn Hall. 

James Dunn Hall is always full of international students. (Photographer: Marcel Chamorro)

The university along with its International Students Association (STUISA) have added the flags of newly enrolled students from many different countries including Turkey and Peru, among others. The wall of flags is a visual representation as well as an acknowledgement of the huge presence of international students within STU’s student body. International freshman from Ecuador, Reinaldo Cascante, thinks the wall of flags serves as a welcome mat for international students:

“I think the wall of flags represents a welcome from the university to the international community of students and it feels like thanks to the wall of flags we’re being taken into account. It feels like we are able to be ourselves and to show our culture to this new world in which we have been thrown upon”.

Reinaldo Cascante feels the that thanks to the wall of flags international students are being “taken into account” (Photographer: Marcel Chamorro).

With more and more international students choosing STU as their destination for studying every year, annual additions to the wall of flags seem to be inevitable. Wasiimah Joomun, who is a fourth year international student and current president of STUISA explains how the wall of flags makes international students feel at home:

“I feel the wall of flags is like a visual representation of the international community on campus. I feel that it tells students that as the STU community we do acknowledge their presence on campus and we do have a representation and we do appreciate all their work. Also, as someone not being from here, seeing your flag just flying in a country that’s not yours is makes it feel a little bit more like home when you see your flag there”.

STUISA president Wasiimah Joomun feels “at home” when she sees her flag flying high in JDH (Photographer: Marcel Chamorro).

St. Thomas University and especially STUISA are excited to welcome more and more international students in the upcoming years.