STU Singers End of Semester Concert



Directed by Ross Simmonds, the STU Singers ended the semester with a moving rendition of a mixture of various kinds of music. Dressed in all black, the Singers walked onto the stage with a round of applause.

The songs they sang were of a wide ranging collection including a piece by Mozart called, Peace I leave with You, a song about the university titled, This Song Is About St. Thomas, and one of Coldplay’s most popular songs, Fix You.   

The STU Singers

A crowd favorite seemed to be the song about St. Thomas University, which made references to the buildings we have on campus, the support staff who help us clean, and a few lines dedicated to our excellent professors as well. Here are a few lyrics from the This Song Is About St. Thomas: 

Deep bows to our profs who really do care,
With PowerPoints and course syllabi they prepare,
Research and writing, at the top of their game,
And what’s really cool they call you by name,

And blessings on Aquinas Day, STU Jazz, SRC
Social Work, Safe Walk and gerontology,
GrantHarvey, Reading Week, and,But not on MacLean’s rankings we disagree!

Director Ross Simmonds

Victoria Young of first year said, “It felt really good, and I really like performing with a bunch of people who are really passionate, who are part of the STU Community, a common passion for music.I wanted to join STU Singers because I had an interest in music to start with, I play the piano, I did some choral singing in High School I just wanted to continue that and thought it would be a good way to meet people being in my first year in University.”

She said they only perform on Monday nights, keep us practicing the music, it’s not a huge committment. She can really feel the progress the STU Singers made throughout the year.

She felt it’s really a great way to stay involved. When asked if she would ever want to do a solo piece on stage, she blushed, but stated she would be happy to try one in the future.

The director, Ross Simmonds, spoke about the Students who had been a part of STU Singers for four years and were graduating, and asked the audience to give a round of applause to the graduating Singers. The audience was clearly appreciative of the music they heard, as they responded to every melody with a solid round of applause, and could also be heard miming along to Fix You, a popular song in today’s culture.