The Shake Shed Freddy: A New Experience of Milkshakes

The city of Fredericton has recently gained a new business venture. The newest establishment is ready to satisfy all your sweet tooth cravings, with hopes of giving its customers an innovative and a retro experience. Come get #ShakeFaced at the latest milkshake parlour on North Side Fredericton, called The Shake Shed Freddy.

Their signature hashtag canvases the wall of the establishment.

The Shake Shed Freddy encompasses a fresh twist of a 50’s era of style, with music and milkshakes. Julia Gilliard, the owner of the new business venture, has always felt that something in her life was missing. When her husband entered into the unknown world of entrepreneurship, and created his own construction company, she realized her true potential would never be achieved by working for anyone other than herself.

Neon sign lit up to intrigue customers to come inside.

With that new mind set, Julia took a trip across the country to visit her friend Brianna and explore the unique food experiences Calgary had to offer.

“The very first day I arrived we went to a burger joint that sold these crazy shakes, and of course I ordered one because why not?” After getting a picture for the “gram”, Julia thought it was a shame that New Brunswick does not have any attention-grabbing experiences like the West Coast.

A seating area for customers to relax and watch the busy streets.

“It wasn’t until May 2018 when I had my lightbulb moment, after receiving a snap chat from Brianna with a photo of a crazy shake she was enjoying while in Florida.” After seeing the snapchat from her dear friend, the endless stream of ideas flooded her creative mind and she realized she could bring the market to New Brunswick.

“I remember the evening like it was yesterday, it was approximately 10pm and I was sitting on the couch, “Netflix and chillin’’” and immediately jumped up and told my husband the crazy idea of bringing this experience to market here.”

In that moment Julia took advantage of the business opportunity, created a business plan and reached out to the CBDC to help with the start-up process.



Vibrant coloured straws add to the funky aesthetic.

Julia always have called herself a creative self-starter. “I have always been creative and had an intense drive to make whatever I wanted to happen, happen.” With her passion for providing New Brunswickers with an unique experience, she began her décor hunt on Pinterest and Instagram.

“I get a lot of inspiration from Pinterest and Instagram, they are both my vision boards for all of my creative ideas.”


A green juke box plays 50’s music to set the tone of the parlour.

The era of 50’s tunes sings out from their green jukebox, and welcomes it customers with a good time as they walk through the doors. The cozy and intimate setting of The Shake Shed encompasses bursts of bright colour and the feel of an old-fashioned style milkshake parlor.

With a small seating area looking out into the busy streets, people can enjoy the Shed’s 9 “Faithful Flavs” and their four basic’s. The faithful flavs list consists of, “The New Yorker”, “The Downie Brownie”, “Minty Fresh”, “PB&C”, “Ode to Oreo”, “Donut Give Up”, “Hella Nutella”, and “Birthday Cake”. The basics are “Caffeine Fix”, “Cheeky Chocolate”, “Very Vanilla”, and “Slick Strawberry”.

Just a few favourites that are getting buzz around town are “Hella Nutella”, “The Downie Brownie” and “Donut Give Up”.

Customer shows the Downie Brownie shake.
Customer showing their “Hella Nutella” shake.

“The Downie Brownie” is a milk shake masterpiece, overloaded with chocolate and caramel, and paired with fresh brownie. Julia named this shake after the lead singer Gord Downie and in the spirit of the late singer, each sale of the biggie Downie Brownie shake will donate $1 to Gord Downie’s legacy fund.

Another popular shake, the “Hella Nutella”, is fully-loaded shake with rich, decadent chocolate ice cream. Topped with a Ferro Roche’s, whipped cream and rimmed with chocolate shavings, this is a dream for any chocolate lover.

Last but not least, the “Donut Give Up” shake. This shake is a vain all base, topped with whipped cream and a full size donut. This shake is a tribute to the struggles Julia has faced while becoming a new business owner. Julia has a saying for herself and her staff to “Live your life like Journey and DONUT STOP BELIEVING”.

Found on 230 Main Street, The Shake Shed Freddy is ready for your taste buds. If you are looking for a delicious shake, an inviting space, with an Instagram worthy photo-op; take a trip to The Shake Shed Freddy. They have a long list of flavours waiting for every visitor who comes through their door.

A busy milkshake shop with anticipating customers.

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Riley Cosman

I am currently in my third year of studies at St. Thomas University. I am majoring in Communications and Public Policy. Since I was a young kid I always appreciated the art of storytelling. I hope to one day work within a communications/public relations business that allows me to use my passion and knowledge to relay a story though a lens.