The semester is ending and the students feel the stress

After March break, the semester only has 5 weeks left until it ends, with exams, final projects, presentations, and the mix of in person and online classes that had been carried out through most of the school year. As it is ending, and the summer is knocking on many of the students doors, there’s a varied group of emotions that need to be addressed through them and their professors.

Student studying (Photo by Daniel Salas)

As James Brennan said, “the ending of the semester is stressful and filled with anxiety for students.” This refers to the workload that many courses demand, the development of a class presentation to be exposed to his classmates and having to deal with five to more courses while demanding a great amount of attention by their professors has become a stress inducing experience for many.

James Brennan going through his files. (Photo by Daniel Salas)

This leads to many ways of that are developed and practiced by students. As Ahmik Burneo said “I prefer to organize my weeks through the amount of workload that the professors want us to achieve by it. Besides this there’s other tools that fit my studying style, like having scheduled hours at the UNB library, to use it as a study hall”


A classroom that has been emptied as the semester is coming to an end.(Photo by Daniel Salas)

When issues related to the stress that many students have over this period, isn’t addressed at all. The major repercussions in their emotional aspects of academic development, as most of them see themselves focused on their work that does not allows them to work at their maximum capacity.

Student going through notes and files (Photo by Daniel Salas)

Depression, procrastination, and a lack of effort to complete their assignments on time for each of their classes, lack of sleep from pulling all-nighters, and thousands of other scenarios are recurrent subjects in the life of modern students. This final time of the semester, the counseling services and the writing department are in full operation, as students want to complete their jobs with the most accuracy as possible to get their best mark.

Student get comfortable to focus (Photo by Daniel Salas)

For other students as Mariano Padruno, he explains “the ending of the semester is a time when students feel that they had ran out of energy to fulfill projects, but at the same time they have other goals to achieve during the summer. And even more now without the restrictions.” As the summertime brings along a great number of activities that could be done by groups, or alone. Students keep high hopes for the patio season, along with their internships and summer jobs.

Chloe York studying alone as a way of concentrating (Photo by Daniel Salas)

In the meantime, while waiting for the summer, students keep n track of their workload with the help of the university and their planned activities to avoid procrastination. But other students prefer to avoid big events and decide to work by their own, or in couples as a study session with friend, as it helps them concentrate and share a moment with their friends without the need of leaving their responsibilities aside. As Andrea Escober spoke about many of her strategies, and other general ones when talking about the end of the semester “people prefer to isolate or separate of all the things that they consider distractions from their work. As the thing that we all want is for this to be over so that we could enjoy the summer.”