Do Students Prefer Online or In-Person Classes?

With covid restrictions being lightened up that means university students are finally making their way back to campus for the resumption of in-person classes. But with this comes the question: Do students prefer in-person or online classes? 

Some professors are under the impression that students are not excited about the return to campus and that they would rather stay online. As they’ve noticed that students seem to be valuing class attendance far less than before the pandemic started. This could be due to some of the pros that come with online classes. 

“Pros? Definitely convenience,” said St. Thomas University student Taylor Carr.

University of New Brunswick student Zoe Miliea loves that she can work at her own pace while doing online classes. (Corey Kelly/STU Journalism)

Online classes allow students to learn from to comfort of their own home, or anywhere with a stable internet connection. Eliminating having to walk through the frigid winter weather or having to spend their money on the currently astronomically priced gas.  Some online classes are also delivered asynchronously or a recording of the live lecture is posted after class. Allowing students to learn at their own pace, as they can pause if they’re feeling overwhelmed or they can rewind if they miss a key piece of information. Most importantly though it helps keep people safe in the midst of a pandemic. 

Although online classes have some great pros they also come with some major cons.

“Cons would definitely be mental health. A lot of students feel that not having the motivation to be somewhere every day and actually attend the lecture live definitely decreases their productivity,” said Carr.

Pets can be very distracting while trying to focus in online classes. (Corey Kelly/STU Journalism)

Giving students the ability to work at their own pace has its risks as some may not find the motivation to watch their lectures or to do their assignments. This can spur from the plethora of distractions that can be found in the home, whether it’s pets, other people, or the easy access to TV or video games. Along with these distractions, there’s also no professor there to keep students accountable. 

So do students prefer in-person or online classes? 

“In-person just so that I can like actually see the prof. and see who I’m learning from and I’m able to ask them questions without having to go through a bunch of emails,” said UNB student Zoe Miliea.

In-person classes allow students to learn in a near distraction-free environment where they can ask questions without having to wait for an email reply or hope that the professor sees that they electronically raised their hand on zoom. They also get to be around other students instead of being stuck at home alone. 

Overall most university students prefer in-person classes because of their superior learning environment and ease of interaction with professors even though many students do enjoy being able to learn at their own pace and in the comfort of their own home as they do with online classes.