Home School to New School

Fredericton, NB– Homeschooling has swept the nation with more and more parents opting to teach their kids from home. The first of wave of these newly homeschooled kids are now starting their first semester of university classes, these times are stressful for most, but children of homeschool seem to have it even worse.

Wilfred Frazer, 18, had been homeschooled his entire life living in Edmundston, NB, Wilfred described his upbringing as “conservative” and “restrictive” he does not, however, resent this style of upbringing.

Wilfred Frazer studying hard
Wilfred Frazer studying hard (Brayden Cornell/STU journalism)

Having been homeschooled Wilfred believes that his workload was much easier than that of high school. He stated “I think that being homeschooled is just easier than regular schooling.” On the other hand, Wilfred also believes that it is harder to get into post secondary education having been homeschooled.

“I had to apply to 15 different universities, because it was so uncertain that I was even going to get accepted into one, because I was homeschooled.” Wilfred applied to many schools such as Mount Allison, UNB Saint John, and NBCC however the only school that accepted his application was Saint Thomas. Wilfred luckily fell in love with the small school and says that he wouldn’t change his mind even if he had more options. “STU is exactly where I wanted to go…It’s everything I’ve ever wanted out of university”

Wilfred Frazer going over a slideshow (Brayden Cornell/STU journalism)

Wilfred is hopeful, however, he believes that he can overcome the stress. “I’m going to work hard and succeed here.” Wilfred has aspirations of becoming a police officer once he is done school this desire has always fuels him to keep going. “Once I get out of school I want to make the world a better place…I think my homeschooling mixed in with university has shown me how to do that.”

“It’s just a big learning curve” Wilfred stated on the change. “It just takes time to get accustomed to.” The positive attitude will surely help Wilfred as exams are approaching sooner rather than later. When asked about the idea he stated that he was ready to face the challenge. “I think I can handle it, I’ll be ready when they come around.”

Wilfred gives credit to his father who helped instill good work ethic in him. “My mother assigned the work, as I said, but my father was the one who gave me the tools I need to succeed in life”