Students in Red Phase

FREDERICTON, NB – Zone 3 was hit with another change in COVID-19 regulations. At that time, Fredericton region citizens were asked to keep to single household. This change to Red Phase affected everyone. A large amount of the citizens being university students, this caused significant troubles. Unable to visit friends or family, young adults dominating the half a kilometer radius surrounding the schools on the hill, were regulated to only see their roommates while learning remotely!

Students could be found exercising in one room while another finishes their assignment. Kiana Hilchie, a fourth-year student at St. Thomas, enjoys staying active for the benefits it has on her mental health and overall well-being. Mental Health problems have affected many in quarantine, especially during the winter months. The living room may not be the most conventional living room but it gets the job done.

Leeza Bourgoin, attending the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design, believes obtaining a nutritious diet is an important factor to keeping a happy mind. Experimenting with new recipes is an excellent way to keep busy. Experiencing new foods from the safety of their own kitchen, students like Leeza could have keep an interesting week schedule so the days would not merge together with little significance.

Leeza Bourgoin – Pandemic activity

Bourgoin’c community college fortunately remained open. Classes were held in-person, for students to attend bi-weekly. Also, Bourgoin’s job at fit-kids in Oromoncto did not close.

“I’ve been mostly keeping busy by going to work, going to school, keeping up with my homework. I’ve been trying out new recipes and I’ve been doing some home workouts just to stay active.” Says Bourgoin.

Leeza Bourgoin – NBCCD student

Establishing a routine has been vital for Bourgoin when doing online classes. Starting each morning off on the right foot includes, eating a fueling breakfast then checking her day-planner for the scheduled tasks for the day.

Staying organized was the biggest obstacle stated by both Bourgoin and Hilchie. Remote learning allows student to easily get caught behind in lectures to watch. “By being able to just close my laptop anytime and not deal with any consequences, this school year has really pushed my will-power to get this degree. Without being able to see my friends or go home has really been tough.”, says Hilchie.

The Pandemic has been active in New Brunswick for almost a year now. Staying optimistic that by next school year more freedom will be held by the residents in Zone 3.