Filling Blank Spaces in Small Towns

McAdam, New Brunswick is a small village just south of Harvey Station. The little town has many commodities ranging from Canada’s largest gun store, to a Scotiabank. The town has been looking to expand, however, and has recently decided to implement a new commodity in the space of the old tennis court.


Taylor Gallant, McAdam’s city council member, took to FaceBook recently for suggestions on what could be put in place of the tennis court. Suggestions varied with ideas like refurbishing the court, to a basketball court, or even a pool. The most popular idea, however, was a splash pad for the children of the village.


Trudy Boon thought this was a great idea. She said as someone with grandchildren, it would be nice to have a spot for the kids to play. Others, like Jeremey Day, however, disagreed. Day suggested a dog park would be better because it could be utilized year round and would be less financial upkeep.


Both ideas are options and it’ll be interesting to see the course of action the village takes.