Local Art Exhibit in Fredericton

Fredericton’s source for local art, products and services is brought by stepsisters Laura Forrester and Penny Heather all the way from Calgary.  This three-day art exhibition takes place twice a year where they offer high quality art for $100 or less. 

Works will be sold directly off the walls and updated throughout the event. (Itza Mendoza/STU Journalism)

The Capital Art Sale was first brought to Fredericton in 2017, since then it has grown immensely. “Every year the sales are higher, the event gets busier and the people show more interest. There’s lots of steady growth,” said Laura Forrester, co-organizer of Capital Art. 

Co-organizer Laura Forrester says the goal is to create a connection between all artists, and between artist and art buyer. (Itza Mendoza/STU Journalism)

Being artists themselves, Laura and Penny wish to give other local artists a platform to sell their work and meet potential customers who wish to hire their artistic talents. “I do have some pieces, prints and cards, a lot of originals,” said Penny Heather, co-organizer and artist of the Capital Art. “But usually during the sale, I’m focused on the organization of the event, every thing needs to run smoothly.”

This year, over 60 artists applied to be part of the exhibition but unfortunately, couldn’t participate due to lack of space. “There is a small commission that goes to Penny and me, due to the organization and behind-the-scenes work we put into it. But the commission is not near as much as a big gallery would charge,” said Heather. 

The Capital Art offers a variety of items including paintings, photography, mixed media, illustrations, pottery, jewelry, prints, and so much more. It also offers free refreshments, sponsored by The Abbey Café which is incidentally is also a gallery with local art.  “This year we decided to look for our first sponsor,” said Forrester. “The Abbey Café decided to sponsor us through our three-day sale and give out free vegan pastries.”

The organizers of Capital Art Sale expect their next appearance to be near Mother’s day, 2020.