Small-Town Farm Boasts Another Successful Year

Fletcher’s Farm had its biggest turnout yet. People came from all over the province to visit this tourist destination located in a small town in Miramichi. The most popular crowd came from the North Shore.

Fletcher’s Farm is a family farm that has been in the Fletcher family for over five generations. The Fletcher’s have been providing for their community for decades, from a Christmas tree u-pick, tying wreaths for local markets and growing fresh vegetables for the citizens of Miramichi.

The farm is now owned and run by Natalie and John Fletcher.

This is the second year running the business for Natalie and John.

“I saw a corn maze online and was just kinda fascinated by it,” John said.

People of all ages enjoying the corn maze. (Jayme Humphrey)

Fletcher’s Farm’s mission is to provide an affordable tourist stop where families can unplug and enjoy the outdoors.

The farm offers an outdoor learning experience for all ages.

Find your way through their five-acre corn maze, head over to the petting zoo, play on their homemade play structure made out of hay and tubes to slide down on, ride the pedal carts, overcome your fear and experience the haunted maze, and many more activities.

“This weekend’s our last weekend for our haunted maze trail experience,” John said. “You can come either during the daytime like today check out the haunted maze trail for the younger ones or people that aren’t as into the big scare and then at nighttime’s from 7-9 we do our big haunted scare with jump scares, chainsaws, lights and all kinds of cool stuff.”

The newest attraction added to the farm this year. (Jayme Humphrey)


The farm is open weekends from August 24 to October 28.

Although the farm is closed during the week, this year the Fletchers have encouraged the schools in the surrounding area to bring their classes for a field trip. On their website, they have activities for the students when they arrive. 



Every year the farm has a theme. Last year the theme was Discover Miramichi. The corn maze had a Miramichi themed scavenger hunt. This year the community of Miramichi came together to pick the theme. They picked the 75th anniversary of D-Day to recognize the contributions made by the North Shore Regiment. The maze features the picture of Pte. George Herman Baker, the years of the anniversary-1944-2019, the map of New Brunswick and the number 75.

The layout of the corn maze for this year’s theme at Fletcher’s Farm. (Fletcher Farm/Facebook)










Jayme Humphrey

My name is Jayme Humphrey. I am a student studying at St. Thomas University planning to double major in Journalism and Sociology. I enjoy traveling, attending concerts and horse shows in the summertime. I was born in Miramichi and moved to Fredericton when I was one. I have a passion for helping young kids and volunteer every week with a kindergarten class and coach Ringette