Buying Art on a Budget – Capital Art Sale

The Capital Art Exhibition is a three-day art event that takes place twice a year. This Calgary tradition has made its way to the East Coast when Penny Heather and her step-sister Laura Forrester moved to Fredericton.

The art exhibition helps to bridge the gap between the art buyer and the artist and is helpful for newer artists who may not have shown their work before. It not only helps artists connect to the community, but also to each other.

“[J]ust because I’m an entrepreneur doesn’t mean that I need to work alone. A lot of us are doing the same thing so we can still have coworkers, so really this about community for the artist as well. It’s like finding your art tribe” says Penny.

Organizer Penny Heather says the goal of the exhibition is to bridge the gap between art buyer and the artist.

The diversity of art on display ranges from paintings to pottery to jewellery. Even in the same art medium, there is a wide range of diversity.

Even one wall displays a diverse selection of art.

Jim Middleton is an emerging artist who challenged himself to make art every day for over 100 days in a row. Jim says that his realistic style is not better or worse than any other art on display, he believes that what separates art is how much work people put in.

“The great thing about art is that it’s subjective; there is no better or worse. There is effort and no effort. . . You can have something that is something very primitive but the person put a lot of their heart into it. It’s a beautiful piece, and it comes across in the piece when you see it. . . It’s like I tell my [kids], you find your tribe”.

Jim Middleton practices what he preaches. The effort he puts is evident in his 100-day art challenge.

Just because all the artwork costs $100 or less doesn’t mean it isn’t high quality. This tribe, this community of artists who put love into the work they make is what makes the art here special.

The organizer has confirmed that the next Capital $100 or Less Art Sale will take place around the first week of December. Follow their Facebook page to stay up to date on all the details.