Black Friday Audio Report: Rewritten Script 2019

Black Friday Unfolds at the Regent Mall

One of the jolliest day of the year has become a scene of utter chaos with this year’s Black Friday sales kicking off at the Regent Mall in Fredericton.

Canadians may not realize, but Black Friday was created to ensure that Canadian’s spend their money here and not in the states. On top of that, stores tend to have sales that start a few days prior to the actual Black Friday.

As a person who works Black Friday, I think that its a little ridiculous. If more people realized that companies start their sales on the Tuesday or the Wednesday before Black Friday, [but] everyone seems to wait until the Friday to come. It’s the same sales, the same stock. Not my favorite, but you know, we are here

Black Friday was originally an American holiday, but is now celebrated by over 15 countries worldwide.The lines are insane.The attitudes of fellow shoppers is fairly tense, people are rushing to ensure they get the best deals for their loved ones, it’s madness.

It’s crazy and there’s lots of people. There are pretty good sales though, everything is like 30 to 50 percent off.

Some Canadians love Black Friday because it’s an excuse to splurge on gifts for the ones you love, meanwhile, there are other Canadians who think it is all a gimmick for more companies to sell more product for a slightly cheaper price.

I hate it, and I think that it takes over the mall on the holiday season.

Although it can be overcrowded, tense, and somewhat terrifying to consider going to the mall on Black Friday, the deals gives Canadians an opportunity to purchase items at a cheaper than normal price, which we can all agree is better.

Dylan Kennedy