WordPress-Your STU Files Profile

Make your first story(post)- Your Personal Profile











In WordPress ‘lingo’..a post is a new story, so after you login click on Posts/Add New:


That takes you to a word processor type window:


After you’ve named your post(story) and written a few lines place the curser before the first text, then click on the add media button. From there you can upload images or select from ones you have previously selected.

You can add captions, select alignment and size on the right hand side once you have selected a frame then click on ‘Insert into Post’

So..add image(s) save drafts often, select your category, preview, update as you go…set a Featured image(down on the right hand side)..then click off ‘Hide Featured Image’(we’ll tell you why sometime soon!) add Tags so people can search for your story. Keep previewing and saving drafts until you’re ready..then hit ‘Publish’!