A Trendy New Way to Stay Fit

The floor work class stretching. (Morgan Bell)

People are constantly looking for new ways to stay healthy while maintaining their busy schedules. Brittany Wassef and Samantha Shea decided to help out with that dilemma when they moved to Fredericton a couple of years ago.

The two created Jungle House Dance Company, it opened to the public in September. It’s Fredericton’s first and only adult drop-in dance studio. The studio is located downtown beside the Tipsy Muse Cafe.

No dance experience is required to enjoy the classes. It’s a place to learn new dance skills, get active and have fun. The point of it being a drop-in studio is to help accommodate with people’s busy life styles.

The twerking class rehearing their dance. (Morgan Bell)

The instructors can accommodate any medical conditions or injuries that may affect your dancing. The five instructors are professional dancers who are passionate about teaching others. Dressing rooms are available, along with water, mats and other necessary equipment.

“It’s a safe place for me to express myself no matter what goes on in my life, especially currently going through some hard times it’s a great place for me to release any pent-up emotions, really feel my body and it’s almost like therapy,” said Heajee Kim, who’s been attending classes sense opening.

The classes begin with intense stretching and warming up. At the end of each one-hour class, you get a chance to rehearse your newly learned choreographed dance. The cost is $17.25, and memberships vary on what you want to do.

Brittany Wassef, the Co-Owner (Morgan Bell)

“I really like watching the growth in the students, so as they get more comfortable in their own bodies that starts to show outside of the studio as well, so they just are more confident in general, in and outside of the space,” said Brittany Wassef, who is the co-owner.

Jungle House offers contemporary, hip-hop, heels, floor work, twerk, K-pop and much more. To learn more, you can visit there Facebook or Instagram page.

“If you just show up, you’re going to have fun,” said Wassef.